When plotting a grading string, there can be an error generated similar to that below
Double Val(System.String)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Val(String InputStr)
at VbMgdAcad2.clsProfilePlot.setUpProfileList()
at VbMgdAcad2.clsRoad.plotProfileArrays(String& mode, String& LayoutName)
at VbMgdAcad2.modSectionPlot.plotProfiles(String& mode, String& LayoutName, Boolean& berror)
at VbMgdAcad2.arduCommands.arduv7PlotProfiles(clsMessageOptions options)
to resolve this issue:
commence the plotting of the long section
choose Selected Sampled Sections (as you would) - this will generate the error you have been seeing and remain in the background - unable to be closed
1. click on Set Up Row Data
2. on the presented window you will see 2 entries for Vertical Grading. These 2 entries must be edited (same process on both)
** Highlight one of the entries
3. Click the Edit button
4. you will see a blank under Vertical Grading From String, expand this and select the String, then OK
repeat ** on the other Vertical Grading Entry
Clear the error that was presented earlier as you will now have access to that window.
you will now be able to plot the grading string